A Comtronix Technology India-LLP Regd. Under Companies Act 2008 Ministry Corporate Affairs Govt of India.                             An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute                             Accredited by: International Service Organisation JAS-ANZ Registrar, Austrailia.

Chairmen's Desk


Student & Guardians very thanks to join with us Comtronix infotech india is success story of all million & million of Indian whose dream to get touch with information technology . but this journey is not being easy without your help support and guide line your valuable feedback help us to improve our services among our student . in the field of computer & technology our nation growth in rapid motion . the oppourtunity of employment was increase as camparision to last two decate . so this era to boom in information technology our dedicated teacher impart his best to student . which necessary to flourish and growth of his skill.

The slogan “ we are busy but computer make it easyComtronix Infotech India infact make it easy for our student by hard labour & sincerity our course material design by expert who know what & how our mission to bought india to leader of world in information technology this is only possible by our young generation to develop his skilled and turn our valuable resourses to high skill professional .

Regd. Under Comtronix Siksha Foundation A Charitable Educational Trust Govt of india.
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute. Accredited By International Service Organisation JAS-ANZ Registrar. Austrailia.

Thanks & Regard
Shagufta Naaz
Comtronix Infotech India